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LAWS FAMILY REGISTER August 2014 Number 258

Welcome to the Laws Family Register. 

Below I list a selection of my records automatically extracted from my database today.

For further details of these people and up to 40.981 other folk, as part of 12,439 families having 97,128 events in 13,704, places, you should join the register.

We are currently setting up a Google+  Genealogical Community and look forward to meeting you there.

Apply for a subscription today - Just send an email to me at :-

I will send you an application form by return. Membership is just £10.00 a year collected via PayPal.

(The UK county & US state codes used here are Chapman Codes, Surnames are in bold red type. 

Please note that the reference numbers are our database record numbers.

Let me send Fraternal Greetings to our subscribers across the world, particularly in the following countries in order of the most subscribers.  

Over 6,000 pageveiws since we started in Jun 2014

USA - 2062, Germany - 1052, UK - 1043, Russia - 525, Turkey - 214, Australia - 171, Ukraine - 136,  
France - 120, Canada - 71, China - 52, Netherlands - 51, Ireland - 51, Poland -27, Portugal - 25, 
Brazil - 14, Finland - 11, Sweden 11, Singapore 04, Slovakia - 04, Sth Africa - 04, Italy - 04, Romania - 04, 

India - 02, Iraq  - 02,  Indonesia - 02, Sth Korea - 02, Kazakstan - 02, Algeria - 01, Phillipines - 01, Taiwan - 01, Venezuela - 01, Honduras - 01, Vietnam - 01.

To move your country up this list please forward this blog to other LAWS and LAWES researchers and family and to those of you who join the LAWS FAMILY REGISTER, 1 Year Free membership for every introduction resulting in a new member. 

We are planning a Google Plus Community and Google Hangouts.
Here is our most reccomended Google Plus Community 

Whats On Guide to our Genealogical World

Are you having a Reunion / Seminar / Webinar or Hang-out?

Mail us any Dates for our diaries 

1805 - Birth: Sallie Chapman GORDON 
(Confererate Hospital) -22016, Wilks Co NC United States, 
Mother of the Confereracy
Anglers Rest: The In-Depth Genealogist - Digital Magazine - Issue 18 - OUT NOW!
All month there are events at The Society of Geneaolgists
Book you place via or  +44 20 7553 3290


Who Do You Think You Are? Live! 

Comes to Scotland and will take place at the Scottish Exhibution and Conference Centre in Glasgow from 29-31 August 2014.

If you have ever seen Who Do You Think You Are? on the TV, then if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably wondered what family secrets would be revealed if there was a whole team on-hand to help you research your family history. Well, this summer you too can get advice from the experts!
Click here to buy tickets or call +44844 873 7330.

I will be on stand 51/52/53 Guild of One-Name Studies
I'd love to see you there



Family Events for today 30th August

740 - Marriage: James LAWS-7002 and Ruth BROWN-7003, Heigham NFK
1807 - Will: Seth LAWES (Gentleman) -58924, Charlton, Andover HAM
1826 - Marriage: Charles CHAMBERS-3654 and Mary Ann LAWS-3631, Great Yarmouth NFK
Great Yarmouth Norfolk

1844 - Baptism: Johanna Hendrina LAWS-116925, Tynemouth NBL
Tynemouth Northumberland

1845 - Birth: William Gordon LAWS-117033, Barrasford, Northumberland, England
1846 - Baptism: Isabella LAWS-43759, Houghton Le Spring DUR
1853 - Death: William LAWS-96036, Lumley Colliery DUR
1856 - Occupation: Edward LAWS (Steward on Ship "TELEGRAPH") -51777, 
1864 - Baptism: Ellen LAWS-6617, Stratton Strawless NFK UK
Stratton Strawless Norfolk

1867 - Death: William Webster LAWS (Grocer) -8458, Great Yarmouth NFK
1868 - Baptism: Louisa Ann LAWS-47075, Hawkinge KEN (St Michael)
Hawkinge Kent

1878 - Birth: John Joseph Michael LAWES (Master Mariner/RN 185088) -2064, Pendeen Cove, Gunards Head CON (St Just)
1886 - Marriage: George Henry WARE-56526 and Alice Louisa LAWS (Housemaid / Spinster) -22920, Plaistow ESS
1891 - Birth: Frank Leslie LAWS (Plasterer) -30908, 
1893 - Burial: James LAWES-51844, 
1893 - Death: William LAWS (Butler retired) -5681, Washington DUR
1909 - Birth: Samuel Kenneth LAWS-48480, 
1909 - Birth: Jack LAWS (RAAF Flying Officer 412979) -32336, Sydney NSW AUSTRALIA
1910 - Death: Elizabeth LAWS-39904, 
1915 - Birth: James Parley LAWS-34206, Blanding, San Juan Co UT USA
1916 - Marriage: William CHILTON-2851 and Clara Lillie LAWES-2830, Rock Springs, Sweetwater WY USA
1918 - Death: Thomas Cresswell LAWS (Master Mariner & Steamship Agent) -8893, Liverpool LAN
1918 - Death: Charles LAWS (Farmer) -3410, Kialla VIC AUSTRALIA
1918 - Death: William Henry LAWES (ARMY Private 146487) ) -2545, FRANCE & FLANDERS, Died of Wounds
1922 - Residence: Charles LAWS-45790, Sydney NSW AUSTRALIA
1923 - Birth: Victoria Florence LAWS-120152, 
1923 - Death: William James LAWES-2517, St.Andrews Hospital, Devon Road, Bromley KEN
1923 - Death: Alfred LAWES-760, Battersea SRY UK
1930 - Death: Christopher Columbus LAWS-38493, Rutherford County NC USA
1930 - Birth: Jack J LAWS (PVT US Army) -38002, 
1944 - Death: Naff L LAWS (Seaman 1st class US Navy 9665491) -120031, Missing in Action or Buried at Sea
1946 - Birth: Cyntrhia Anne LAWES-118548, 
1947 - Birth: Harry Ford (II) LAWS (Pysician) -33905, Sturgis MI USA
1949 - Death: Everett LAWS-42384, 
1951 - Residence: Jeffery James LAWS (Railway Clerk) -87127, Ipswich SFK died Felixstowe SFK
Ipswich Suffolk

1958 - Death: Basil W LAWS (MUSC2C US Army)-37900, 
1977 - Marriage: Niel Malcolm LAWS-3437 and Robyn Diana SESSION-3465, 
1980 - Marriage: Jeffrey Livingston (1) LAWES-30522 and Beth Anne BELL-30523, 
1995 - Miscellaneous: Susannah LAWS-3402, 
1997 - Death: Le-Mon L LAWS (PV2 US Army) -38024, 
1998 - Death: James Maxwell LAWS-120647, 
2003 - Burial: Lovancy LAWS-31255, Hollywood, Carteret, NC USA
2006 - Marriage: Eric SANDERS (Physician) -115597 and Maureen Elaine LAWS-115595, Beamish Hall, Stanley DUR
2011 - Cremation: Terence Ronald LAWS-120519, 

2013 - Burial: Willis Taylor LAWS-123118, Cumberland City TN USA


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