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48,894 Folks
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5825 Individual Surnames
All in 10,975 Places
Is your LAWS family amongst them?
Did one of your family marry, into one of these LAWS families?
Mail us today with your inquiry. we'd be glad to help you.
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
'A Child of the Twenties'
A suburban childhood of the Twenties
As seen from the Nineteen Nineties
John Robert Laws (1921-2008)
The baker's man pulled a two-wheeled handcart with a rounded top and a leg at the back so that it didn't tip up when he let go. He would delve into this for the loaf you wanted, warm and crusty and certainly not wrapped or sliced! The postman was distinctive in his blue uniform with red piping and his odd little flat hat, almost a helmet. He did not bring a load of junk mail for the dustman to take away again, and what he delivered today had been posted yesterday excepting that from foreign parts.
I do not think that there was as much obesity then as now, the ignorant did not have the means for it and most of the prosperous were working too hard to get fat. Beer was however proportionately cheaper and a few more men could be seen carrying the mark of it in their big bellies or red noses.
Until school age, there was not a lot of contact with adults outside the family. One saw the neighbours in their gardens from time to time but it was not till a little later that a family came next door with whom we became friendly. The Kemble’s had five offspring, five daughters, for starters the youngest in her late teens, and a son Harry a bit older than myself with whom I became quite friendly. For some years we were regular cycling companions.
The tradesmen were the people who are impressed on my memory. Delivery was the order of the day despite shopping on an almost daily basis.
The milkman had an open-backed float with churns in it and would dip the milk out with a long-handled measure into your jug. It was not long till he graduated to a horse and cart with four wheels, and milk in glass bottles with cardboard tops but in very hot weather, despite two deliveries a day, you still had to boil the milk soon after delivery before it went off.
My mother used to tell me that when she lived in Devon as a child they had their own cow and that after milking she would separate the cream which she loved, and churn the butter. That was all gone for town dwellers of course, but in the grocers shop the butter would still be scooped up and patted into shape instead of arriving in oblong paper packets.
The grocer delivered as well, and his man would arrive at the doorstep and jog the memory with a verbal list of commodities delivered in a rapid-fire voice rather like a market auctioneer."Salt - Pepper - Vinegar-Mustard" he would fire away and then take up his list at the same point after he had been interrupted with an item.
To be continued tomorrow
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf. We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)
(Please note all spelling is British English)
Please also note we have several hundred LAWS & LAWES who were alive 29 September 1939, so mail us with your inquiries
Family Events
1726 - Baptism: John LAWES-23468, Bishopstone Wiltshire England
1782 - Birth: Stephen LAWES-32095,
1785 - Baptism: William LAWS-3514, Hevingham Norfolk England
1820 - Birth: Jane LAWS-31889, Chatteris Cambridgeshire England
1848 - Birth: Edwin Thomas LAWES-2604, Bishopstone Wiltshire England
1850 - Birth: Jane LAWS-31997 (4 mths) Chatteris Cambridgeshire England
1882 - Birth: Hugh LAWES-508, (Door Keeper & Cleaner) Thruxton Hampshire England
1884 - Birth: Arthur Murray LAWS-28433, (ARMY Gunner 755846) South Shields, Durham, England
1888 - Birth: Frank Sydney Bruce LAWES-37982, (Export Clerk & Absent Voter 1918-19)
Solihull Warwickshire England
1888 - Birth: George Raymond LAWS-34323, Dynedor Herefordshire England
1890 - Birth: James LAWS-17546, (4 mth old) Sunderland Durham England
1893 - Birth: James Edward LAWS-23920, (Gents Outfitters - Assistant Manager) Blything Suffolk England
1912 - Birth: Lillie E LAWS-41495, Cocke County Tennessee United States
1916 - Birth: Rose Ellen LAWS-46734, (Invoice Typist)
1919 - Birth: Frank Donald LAWS-45522,
1717 - Marriage: Drake LAWS-1179 and Elizabeth READ-1180, Norwich Norfolk England
1736 - Marriage: David LOCKHART-10593 and Barbara LAWS-10592, Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1779 - Marriage: James MOLLAND-17396 and Taylor LAWS-7392, Dover Kent England
1797 - Marriage: Thomas COCKERILL-2044 (Gentleman & Widower) and Mary LAWES- 2045, (Spinster) at Andover Hampshire England
1836 - Marriage: Benjamin LAWS-4645 (Labourer) and Frances Mary PALMER-4646,
Norwich Norfolk England
1736 - Marriage: David LOCKHART-10593 and Barbara LAWS-10592, Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1779 - Marriage: James MOLLAND-17396 and Taylor LAWS-7392, Dover Kent England
1797 - Marriage: Thomas COCKERILL-2044 (Gentleman & Widower) and Mary LAWES- 2045, (Spinster) at Andover Hampshire England
1836 - Marriage: Benjamin LAWS-4645 (Labourer) and Frances Mary PALMER-4646,
Norwich Norfolk England
1848 - Marriage Settlement: Edward LAWS-2849 (Navy Storekeeper) and Elizabeth GRIFFITHS-
1853 - Marriage: William CARTER-38229 and Susanna Frances Mary LAWS-38228,
Stepney Middlesex England
1880 - Marriage: Edward Robert LAWS-3639 (Sawyer / Widower) and Rebecca SPRIGGS-7210, Bournemouth Hampshire England
1904 - Marriage: Arthur Frederick LAWS-5421 (Grocers Assistant at Co-op) and Alice EARLE-
33385, Dover Kent England
1905 - Marriage: Thomas Percy WALKER-27572 and Caroline A LAWS-4289 (Cook) Wandsworth Surrey England
1853 - Marriage: William CARTER-38229 and Susanna Frances Mary LAWS-38228,
Stepney Middlesex England
1880 - Marriage: Edward Robert LAWS-3639 (Sawyer / Widower) and Rebecca SPRIGGS-7210, Bournemouth Hampshire England
1904 - Marriage: Arthur Frederick LAWS-5421 (Grocers Assistant at Co-op) and Alice EARLE-
33385, Dover Kent England
1905 - Marriage: Thomas Percy WALKER-27572 and Caroline A LAWS-4289 (Cook) Wandsworth Surrey England
1763 - Burial: Martha LAWS-4514, (Infant) Rackham Norfolk England
1865 - Death: Thomas LAWS-3516, (Farmer 70 acres 3 labs) Stratton Strawless Norfolk England
1873 - Death: Sarah LAWS-7387, (Widow) Charlton in Dover Kent England
1926 - Death: Robert LAWS-8081, Gateshead Durham England
1926 Death: John Warren LAWES-1688,(Publican) Bath Somerset England but resided at Trowbridge Wiltshire England
1929 - Death: Henry Joseph LAWS-6696, Rogue River Oregon United States
1932 - Death: Thomas LAWES-2340, Ilford Essex England
1936 - Death: Samuel Edward LAWS-34332, Ilford Essex England
1936 - Death: William Bertram Lot LAWES-32107, Salisbury, Wiltshire England
1958 - Death: John L LAWS-16565, (PFC US Army)
1960 - Death: Fred Karle Lethbridge LAWES-39602, (Blacksmith) Andover Hampshire England
1961 - Death: Emma LAWS-33745, Carlisle Cumberland England
1963 - Death: Daisy Rose LAWES-38999, Southampton Hampshire England
1980 - Death: Mary Jane Patterson LAWS-41409,
1987 - Death: Allen Maurice LAWS-3293,
1988 - Death: John Thomas LAWS-41871, (Fish Filleter) Hull East Yorkshire England
1996 - Probate: Thomas Edward LAWS-40441, City of London, England
2012 - Death: Franklin Barry LAWES-41358, Baldock Hertfordshire England
1824 - Residence: Thomas CHRISTMAS-3390, (Master Mariner) Great Yarmouth Norfolk England
1904 - Residence: Alice EARLE-33385, Dover Kent England
1904 - Residence: Arthur Frederick LAWS-5421, (Grocers Assistant at Co-op) Buckland by Dover Kent England
1904 - Residence: Alice EARLE-33385, Dover Kent England
1904 - Residence: Arthur Frederick LAWS-5421, (Grocers Assistant at Co-op) Buckland by Dover Kent England
1948 - Discharged: Arthur Frederick LAWS-33267, (ARMY Bandsman)
1829 - Birth: William WING-12494,
1836 - Baptism: Emma SILVERLOCK-1013, (Tailoress) Alverstoke Hampshire England
1850 - Birth: Thomas JAMES-19069,
1884 - Birth: Sidney Malcolm TAYLOR-21265, (Railway Wheel Tapper) Peterborough Cambridgeshire England
1889 - Birth: Rose B CHISNALL-30335,
1889 - Birth: Rose B CHISNALL-30335,
1902 - Birth: Gladys Mary ELEY-35359,
1902 - Birth: Gladys M MULLETT-20731,
1910 - Birth: Catherine E RICKER-42258,
1919 - Birth: Eileen M FOSTER-47213, (Mental Nurse)
1869 - Marriage: George JENNINGS-17265 (Labourer) and Sarah ERRINGTON-17266,
Stanley cum Wrenthorpe West Yorkshire England
Stanley cum Wrenthorpe West Yorkshire England
1885 - Death: Sarah CLEGG-25511, Chorlton Lancashire England
1935 - Death: Jane JOLLIFFE-711, (Cook)
1935 - Death: Jane JOLLIFFE-711, (Cook)
1967 - Death: John WEBB-27874, Stalybridge Cheshire England
1977 - Death: Louis STEVENS-41716, (Farm Hand) Dartford Kent England
1982 - Death: Giovanni CHIARELOTTO-12489 (Labourer) Kamloops British Columbia Canada
1984 - Death: Victor George BUTT-12737, Southampton Hampshire England
1994 - Death: Stella Catherine COOPER-3409,
2010 - Death: Janie ROBINSON-5859,
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.
Mail us at
-----------'Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire England ---------
Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time.
That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.
Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.
Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.
that missing link between some name that ends the same as mine
Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript,
that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt.
Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,
that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.
With grateful thanks to Simon Knott
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see
INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:-
The United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024.
We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance"
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