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A suburban childhood of the Twenties
As seen from the Nineteen Nineties
John Robert Laws (1921-2008)
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Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time.
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All in 10,975 Places
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Mail us today with your inquiry. we'd be glad to help you.
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
'A Child of the Twenties'
A suburban childhood of the Twenties
As seen from the Nineteen Nineties
John Robert Laws (1921-2008)
There was a walled large kitchen garden which had one wall removed and then had been desecrated with asphalt to provide a playground and tennis courts.
Around its walls the beautifully trained espalier apple and pear trees had survived to bloom in the spring without the hope of ripening fruit in the autumn.
In those days one paid fees for attendance at Grammar schools, though these could be waived if a family income was a bit tight. At fifteen guineas a term, or was it a year, it seems chicken feed now but for many the amount was a big lump to find.
School uniform was obligatory of course and included caps for boys and hats for girls – to hide their pretty curls.
Minchenden was, like the Elementary school, one of the schools which were co-educational probably about half and half, and one soon found out that boys and girls were, pretty equal at academic subjects, and that some of the girls tended to work harder.
There was a theory that boys worked harder in separate schools without the girls to distract them, but I doubt the truth of it, indeed it seems possible that the boys in the boys only schools had to put more time and effort into finding and meeting girls instead of working.
We were in general, fortunate with the school staff, a mix of types and personalities like any group, but as competent as any and better than a lot. They too must have been influenced by the pleasant working conditions and relaxed but disciplined mood of the unit. It was small by present day standards, some four hundred pupils, quite enough to my mind even if it can be done more cheaply with twice as many.
George Bernard Shaw’s, comments about doing and teaching are very true so often, but we had both, Art and Music teachers about whom the reverse was true. - They could do but not teach.
It must have been frustrating in the extreme for them. The rest of the staff must have had their frustrations too with the need to produce exam results from pupils with their normal share of laziness and only interested in only a few subjects. However produce results they did, by dint of much note scribbling and even the unorthodox use of a French text of the New Testament for religious instruction.
To be continued tomorrow
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf. We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)
(Please note all spelling is British English)
Please also note we have several hundred LAWS & LAWES who were alive 29 September 1939, so mail us with your inquiries
Family Events
1721 - Baptism: William LAWES-38328, Tilshead Wiltshire England
1778 - Birth: Cuthbert Laws-34586, Lanchester Durham England
1840 - Birth: Robert Morrow LAWES-10804, (Colliery Clerk) Belmont, Pittington Durham England
1874 - Birth: Percy Robert George LAWES-1238, (RN 168394 CPO / Coastguard) Bethnal Green, Middlesex England
1876 - Birth: Louisa D LAWS-47549, (Domestic Servant)
1876 - Birth: Jennie Alfreda LAWS-13835, Johnson, Kane County Utah United States
1887 - Birth: Gertrude Lily LAWES-21189, Homington Wiltshire England (St Michaels)
1891 - Birth: William Edward LAWS-24414, (Petty Officer Clerk RN M3041) Wandsworth Surrey England
1894 - Birth: Arthur James LAWS-45620, (Manufacturer) York Ontario Canada
1908 - Birth: Edward Frank LAWS-36120, (Railwayman known as Frank Edward)
1916 - Birth: Reva Merle LAWS-46230, Texas United States
1918 - Birth: Clinton Roy LAWS-13958, (Supervisor) Wilkes County North Carolina United States
1919 - Birth: Hannah M LAWS-31233, (Shop Assistant) Easington Durham England
1901 - Marriage: Albert Ernest LAWS-49403 (Horse Keeper) and Emily Harriet Grace HAMMOND-49402, Wandsworth Surrey England
1902 - Marriage: Clarence A DENT-30481 and Quillie LAWS-30480, Weakley County, Tennessee
United States
1907 - Marriage: Percy LAWS-8470 (Motor Car Mechanic) and Lydia May RADFORD-35327, Lincoln, Lincolnshire England
1907 - Marriage: James M LAWS-25483 and Margaret E FOX-25490,
1928 - Marriage: Harry COLLINGS-47206 (Civil Servant) and Hilda Beatrice LAWS-47205,
New Cross Gate, Surrey England
1939 - Marriage: Manon Francis ALLEN-49659 and Evelyn Sarah Elizabeth LAWS-49657, Arkansas
United States
1891 - Death: William Charles LAWS-32222, Battersea Surrey England
1904 - Death: William George LAWS-18567, (Civil Engineer) Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1943 - Death: Walter George Arnold LAWES-2583, Felthorpe Norfolk England
1943 - Death: Walter George Arnold LAWES-2583, Felthorpe Norfolk England
1958 - Burial: Miriam LAWS-25720, (Widow) Christchurch New Zealand
1965 - Death: Hazel K LAWS-20466,
1993 - Burial: Catherine Jewel LAWS-16657 (PV2 US Army) Mountain Home National Cemetery,
Johnson City Tennessee United States
2002 - Death: Macy LAWS-10998, Lenoir North Carolina United States
2003 - Death: Belton LAWS-13482, (Reverend) Spartanburg South Carolina United States
1884 - Will Dated: Thomas LAWES-1347, (Gentleman Independant)
1915 - Military Service: William James LAWS-31040, (Surveyor)
1916 - Miscellaneous: Dorothy Dale LAWS-15277, (Chartered Masseuse) Marylebone Middlesex England
1949 - Residence: Frederick Joseph LAWS-26083, (Coal Putter Underground) Blackhall Colliery Durham England
1811 - Birth: Ann SYMONDS-7091, Longham Norfolk England
1879 - Birth: Ada L SMITH-25042,
1880 - Birth: Rosanna CLARKE-24428,
1891 - Birth: Rachel Emeline MILLER-36114, Cocke County Tennessee United States
1901 - Birth: Percy WILLICOMBE-49503, Watchet Somersetshire England
1903 - Birth: Dorothy TAYLOR-36984, Edmonton Middlesex England
1911 - Birth: Ulysses Grant SIPES-41460, North Carolina United States
1923 - Birth: Mabel Alice HAMMOND-50304, Gosport Hampshire England
1934 - Burial: Mary Ann JENNINGS-21446, (Scholar) Stanley cum Wrenthorpe West Yorkshire England
1945 - Death: John James GARDINER-35970, Mclean New South Wales Australia
1969 - Death: Sidney Hopkins GROVES-22697, (Van Driver) West Hartlepool Durham England
1975 - Death: Edith May DUDLEY-30333, Peterborough Cambridgeshire England
1992 - Death: Joyce Elaine MCKEE-30458, Leesburg Florida United States
2005 - Death: Ruth Almeda BLACK-21396, Ashville North Carolina United States
We have excluded records of living people to protect their
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.
Mail us at
-----------'Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire England ---------
Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time.
That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.
Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.
Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.
that missing link between some name that ends the same as mine
Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript,
that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt.
Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,
that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.
With grateful thanks to Simon Knott
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see
INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

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