Welcome to the Laws Family Blog We reach out to all, regardless of Race, Colour, Creed, Gender & Orientation, or National Origin, with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance.
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All in 10,656 Places
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We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
'A Child of the Twenties'
A suburban childhood of the Twenties
As seen from the Nineteen Nineties
John Robert Laws (1921-2008)
We spent all the family holidays on that little bit of east coast and going further afield did not arise until I could go off on my bike alone or with a friend. I had already been to scout camps, all on a shoestring. About the same time school journeys were started, only in the holidays of course not in term time like today. The camps were for boys only. I doubt whether our devoted school staff thought they could cope with the tribulations of a mixed camp. The journeys to foreign parts, however, were co-ed without any problems.
I recall one school camp at St. Audries Bay, near Watchet in of course wonderful summer weather. Our site was in a field between the coast road and low cliffs above the beach.
We must have gone to Somerset by coach, an uneventful journey of which I remember nothing except that our kit was moved by horse and cart from the road down a narrow track to the field beside the farm where a line of bell tents had already been erected for us.
We had the luxury of palliases which we filled with straw from the tumbledown buildings near the farmhouse and the cooking was done by the school caretaker with a small amount of help from us on a rota basis. A few cows were kept by the farmer and we were able to see the milk he supplied to us hand milked into the pail.
Behind and above our camp on the other side of the road, rose the warm late summer colours of the Quantock hills, an almost impenetrable terrain of bracken and bilberries guaranteed to stain ones fingers and lips and scratch ones knees to ribbons. We had time to wander on our own and there were organised trips when we visited Dunster and walked to the top of Dunkery Beacon.
The timeless stone cottages and ancient butter market of Dunster were already an attraction to visitors but as boys we were too keen on looking forward to really appreciate the glimpse back into the past that such places are able to give us later in life. Exmoor’s wide vistas and stony ground thatched with heather and berries were pure joy, the purples and crimsons of the foliage stretching out through the sunshine to a distant hazy horizon and the world at ones feet.
In our free time, we wandered into the little town of Watchet lying somnolent in the sunshine, seemingly untouched by tourism. There was a corner shop selling sweets and buns, and Cydrax to refuel the inner man for a walk into the hills. Watchet was minding its own business around its tiny harbour where cargoes seemed to be black coal in and white china clay out. There must have been a few holidaymakers about however because one day we went by paddle steamer along the coast to Lynmouth where we disembarked in small boats and had a day to explore and wade up the river to Watersmeet. This was decades before the catastrophic flood destroyed the town which had previously stood secure for centuries.
Nearly everyone who holidayed around Somerset visited Lynmouth but the numbers were small and it was not crowded.
Back at St Audries Bay, the beach is stony with grey rocks and flat stones ideal for skimming the waves. The most interesting find was that it abounded in fossils of spiral creatures up to a foot across, ammonites I believe, which had been preserved when their nice grey slimy mud was pressed into rock a few million years back.
Another boys only school trip took us youth hostelling to the hostel at Millersdale in Derbyshire. There were about fifteen in the group with two of three school stall including ‘Sammy’ Stewart one of the most popular masters. He taught geography and seemed to be a member of nearly all the journeys. We walked the hills and dales and went by train to Edale where the station name board said ‘HOPE for Castleton’ though we never saw Castleton as we walked away from Hope over the hills.
A visit to the Blue John Mine where blue fluorspar is mined showed us something new in this glowing rock and in an underground trip by boat through a low tunnel which led us to a cave where there is a hefty waterfall from above which went down below us into the depths of that the guide told us was a bottomless pit. At least it never filled up with water.
To be continued tomorrow
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf. We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)
(Please note all spelling is British English)
Please also note we have several hundred LAWS & LAWES who were alive 29 September 1939, so mail us with your inquiries
Family Events
1691 - Baptism: Alice LAWES-25943, North Bradley Wiltshire England
1801 - Birth: Francis LAWES-939, Fincham Norfolk England
1809 - Birth: James LAWS-6316, (Sailmaker) Great Yarmouth Norfolk England
1810 - Christen: John Innocent Dyball LAWS-4928, (Coach Smith) Costessey Norfolk England
1827 - Birth: Frederick LAWS-20228, (Ag Lab) Edmondsham Dorset England
1831 - Birth: Barbara Maria LAWES-38323, West Lavington Wiltshire England
1833 - Birth: Mary Ann LAWS-3849, Ovingham or Ovington Northumberland England
1838 - Christen: Rachel LAWS-14880, Littleport Cambridgeshire England
1842 - Birth: Rosina LAWS-6547, Hellington Norfolk England
1854 - Birth: Isaac Hudson LAWS-18261, Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex Delaware United States
1890 - Birth: Hilda Harriet Violet LAWS-10888, Litcham Norfolk England
1897 - Birth: Henry John LAWS-37096, (Market Gardener) Saint Marylebone Middlesex England
1801 - Birth: Francis LAWES-939, Fincham Norfolk England
1809 - Birth: James LAWS-6316, (Sailmaker) Great Yarmouth Norfolk England
1810 - Christen: John Innocent Dyball LAWS-4928, (Coach Smith) Costessey Norfolk England
1827 - Birth: Frederick LAWS-20228, (Ag Lab) Edmondsham Dorset England
1831 - Birth: Barbara Maria LAWES-38323, West Lavington Wiltshire England
1833 - Birth: Mary Ann LAWS-3849, Ovingham or Ovington Northumberland England
1838 - Christen: Rachel LAWS-14880, Littleport Cambridgeshire England
1842 - Birth: Rosina LAWS-6547, Hellington Norfolk England
1854 - Birth: Isaac Hudson LAWS-18261, Cedar Creek Hundred, Sussex Delaware United States
1890 - Birth: Hilda Harriet Violet LAWS-10888, Litcham Norfolk England
1897 - Birth: Henry John LAWS-37096, (Market Gardener) Saint Marylebone Middlesex England
1906 - Birth: Alfred Stanley LAWS-38191,
1908 - Birth: Stanley L LAWS-43631, (Bricklayers Labourer)
1911 - Birth: Marie Louise LAWS-35924,
1919 - Birth: Robert Eland LAWS-12946, (Australian Army) Brisbane Queensland Australia
1919 - Birth: Agnes E LAWS-39345, (Domestic Worker)
1874 - Marriage: Thomas LAWS-14129 and Virginia POLAND-14130, Prince William County Virginia United States
1899 - Marriage: George MUSGROVE-29053 (Coal Herwer) and Hannah Elizabeth LAWS-3566, Bedlington Northumberland England
1899 - Marriage: George MUSGROVE-29053 (Coal Herwer) and Hannah Elizabeth LAWS-3566, Bedlington Northumberland England
1916 - Marriage: William M YELTON-25532 and Nina Esther LAWS-25531, North Carolina, United States
1923 - Marriage: John Joseph LAWS-14698 and Irene Isabel CARBIS-12563, Kogarah New South Wales Australia
1892 - Death: Robert LAWS-8042, (Ag Lab)
1912 - Death: Elizabeth LAWS-8095, (Widow) Barking Essex England
1915 - Death: John Robert LAWS-22306, (ARMY Private 14264)
1937 - Death: John Joseph LAWS-26791, (District Manager Wine & Spirits Trade) Heaton Northumberland England
1946 - Death: Berkley McAllister LAWS-22763, Salt Lake City Utah United States
1946 - Death: Robert Edward LAWS-19837, Salt Lake City, Utah United States
1961 - Death: Merle LAWS-41596, Minatare, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, United States
1979 - Death: Frederick Robert LAWS-3452, Horsford Norfolk England
2001 - Death: Stanley Frederick LAWS-13616, Sturgis, Saint Joseph, Michigan United States
2005 - Burial: Tina Maria LAWS-21370,
2005 - Death: Gordon Stanley LAWS-12912, (Australian Army) Sydney New South Wales Australia
1900 - Residence: Marthe Louise Geneviève Eugénie BAPTISTE-46779, Paris FRANCE
1924 - Occupation: Francis William LAWS-5746, (Company Director & Freeman ) City of London, England
1938 - Residence: John William LAWS-17535, (Engineering Clerk) Byker Northumberland England
1946 - Arrival: Giovanna MARIA DEL LUIGI-34526, Liverpool Lancashire England
1781 - Birth: Louisa BUNDY-25697, Downton Wiltshire England
1783 - Baptism: John CHARTERS-14154, Torpenhow Cumberland England
1821 - Birth: John MCMINN-21800, (Ships Carpenter) Kirkcudbright Kirkcudbrightshire Scotland
1855 - Birth: Thomas SHIPTON-23927, (Soldier) Thornbury Gloucestershire England
1877 - Birth: Hannah BLYTH-24498, Norwich Norfolk England
1878 - Birth: Maud Louise THOMAS-37201, Calcutta Bengal India
1908 - Birth: Kathleen Mary BELSON-21667, Lismore New South Wales Australia
1900 - Marriage: Charles Eugène SOMMELIER-46782 and Marthe Louise Geneviève Eugénie BAPTISTE- 46779, Paris France
1900 - Marriage: Charles Eugène SOMMELIER-46782 and Marthe Louise Geneviève Eugénie BAPTISTE- 46779, Paris France
1907 - Marriage: William Malcolm WILLIS-43502 and Edith Maud ALLEN-37202, Byculla, Bombay INDIA
1883 - Death: Agnes Elizabeth SALMON-5311, Ipswich Suffolk England
1889 - Burial: Kate JENNINGS-23548,(Infant) Stanley cum Wrenthorpe West Yorkshire England
1985 - Death: Emma Hilda TRAFFORD-22445, Southampton Hampshire England
1999 - Death: Doris Eva (Insurance Clerk - Lloyds) BRYANT-47020, Stafford Staffordshire England
1999 - Death: Doris Eva (Insurance Clerk - Lloyds) BRYANT-47020, Stafford Staffordshire England
We have excluded records of living people to protect their
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.
Mail us at
-----------'Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire England ---------
Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time.
That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.
Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.
Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.
that missing link between some name that ends the same as mine
Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript,
that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt.
Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,
that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.
With grateful thanks to Simon Knott
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see
INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:-
The United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024.
We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance"
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