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5825 Individual Surnames
All in 10,975 Places
Is your LAWS family amongst them?
Did one of your family marry, into one of these LAWS families?
Mail us today with your inquiry. we'd be glad to help you.
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
'A Child of the Twenties'
A suburban childhood of the Twenties
As seen from the Nineteen Nineties
John Robert Laws (1921-2008)
The kitchen furnishings were plain and useful. A large deal table with an end drawer and covered with a tablecloth, one leg very tatty from being used as a scratching post by the cat. Bentwood chairs, comfortable enough but a little creaky, one an elbow chair the rest plain but with the usual pressed pattern on the seat. A built-in brown painted dresser with drawers and cupboards below and a slightly mixed collection of plates on edge on the shelves with the cups hanging from hooks on the front. Meals were usually taken in the kitchen except at weekends when lunch (called dinner) and tea were taken in the dining room. Fortunately the kitchen was a good sized room and a child could run about and play on the floor with little impediment.
The cat which had used the table leg as a scratching post was known by the unlikely name of Ma. It appears that I christened it with the only word in my vocabulary at a very early age. It was an undistinguished tabby which would catch the occasional unwary mouse but would spend more time snoozing in front of the fire. It seemed that every house had mice at that time. Food was more accessible before fridges and freezers.
The kitchen was decorated in the deco of the period. The match-boarding of the lower part of the walls was painted a light brown like the dresser, and the upper walls were done in a strong cream gloss. I'm pretty sure there were lace curtains the same as the rest of the house.
Just a touch of an earlier period was the fringe to the mantlepiece where the tea caddy (an ornamental tin), the candlesticks and the spill jar stood. The fireguard had a nice brass rim at the top, well polished by the constant touching of hands and glistened from the fire and the gaslight. Behind it was the black kitchen range, a solid fuel stove with two ovens and a back boiler for hot water.
Much of the cooking was done on it in the winter using heavy old iron cooking pots which must have been heirlooms. It the only heating in the house until late afternoon unless the bedroom gas fires were used to dress by. The kitchen stove was lit at six in the morning normally by Lottie, though I remember my dad doing it on one occasion with me looking on. Everyone else must have been out of action I reckon.
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf. We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)
(Please note all spelling is British English)
Please also note we have several hundred LAWS & LAWES who were alive 29 September 1939, so mail us with your inquiries
Family Events
1673 - Christen: John LAWES, West Acre Norfolk England
1673 - Christen: Edward LAWES, West Acre Norfolk England
1761 - Baptism: William LAWS, Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1830 - Christen: Benjamin LAWS, Greenwich Kent England
1856 - Birth: John LAWES, (Incapacitated)
1862 - Birth: Myrtle Annie LAWS, Hidalgo Co., Illinois, United States
1863 - Birth: Frances Edith LAWS Fincham Norfolk England
1869 - Birth: Bernard 'Frederick' Treen LAWES (Cab Proprietor) Margate Kent England
1885 - Birth: Reginald A LAWES, (Canadian Army Private 410805) Crampmoor Hampshire England
1888 - Birth: Hilda Emily LAWS, (Spinster) Benwell Northumberland England
1897 - Birth: Gladys May LAWES (Matron - State Registered Nurse) Woolwich Kent England
1899 - Baptism: Robert Francis LAWES (Bank Official) Paddington Middlesex England
1903 - Birth: Lewis LAWS, (PFC US Army)
1907 - Birth: Dorothy LAWS, (Assistant School Mistress)
1911 - Baptism: Trevor Frank LAWES, West Kensington Middlesex England
1913 - Birth: Maud A E LAWS,
1913 - Birth: John LAWS, Mhow INDIA
1914 - Birth: Emma LAWS,
1918 - Birth: Robert E LAWS,
1763 - Marriage: William (Widower) BREWER and Anne (Spinster) LAWS, Langley Norfolk England
1763 - Marriage: James BROOKS and Elizabeth LAWES, Kingston Kent England
1869 - Marriage: Robert LAWS and Mary Jane HEDDELL, Stepney Middlesex England
1869 - Marriage: James LAWS and Mary Ann DANIELS, Stepney Middlesex England
1876 - Marriage: William B LAWS and Ida Ethel COMBS, Cresco Township, Kossuth, Indiana
United States
1886 - Marriage: George LAWS (Ash Porter) and Sarah Ann SEWELL, Folkestone Kent England
1904 - Marriage: James Abraham Garfield LAWS and Daisey Agnes PITMAN-Central Point, Oregon, United States
1915 - Marriage: William WEBB (Engineer) and Eva Emily LAWS (Seamstress)
1924 - Marriage: Wilfred Ralph LAWES (Plumber & Gas & Steam Fitter) and Elisabeth Alice
Frances BROWN Southampton Hampshire England
1896 - Death: George Macgregor LAWS,
1919 - Death: John Jasper LAWS, Glendale, Los Angeles Co. California United States
1960 - Death: Elizabeth LAWS, (Widow) Wallsend Northumberland England
1964 - Death: John Joseph LAWS, North Shields but resided in Tynemouth Northumberland England
1965 - Death: Louisa LAWS, Tynemouth Northumberland England
1972 - Death: Elbert Lafayette LAWS,
1972 - Burial: George Angus LAWS, (Navy AB) Memorial Park, Victoria Australia
1978 - Death: Clive Noel LAWS, Wollongong, New South Wales Australia
1978 - Cremation: William Eric LAWES (Consultant Anaesthetist) Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent England
1993 - Death: Robert John LAWES Peterborough Ontario CANADA
1999 - Death: Olive Emily LAWS Bridgeman Downs Queensland Australia
2000 - Death: Patrick Joseph LAWS, (Reverend RC) Melbourne, Victoria Australia
2003 - Death: Bonnie LAWS, Corydon Indiana United States
2010 - Death: Pansy Etta LAWS, Green Mountain North Carolina United States
1875 - Residence: Robert Green Edward LAWES, (Hackney Cab Driver) Chelsea Middlesex England
1915 - Enlistment: William Henry LAWS, (Butchers Manager)
1923 - Residence: Basil Derwin LAWS, (Missionary) Lincoln, Lincolnshire England
1724 - Birth: John LAWS-Debbie MERRYLEES Swanton Morley Norfolk England
1816 - Birth: Amelia Judith WADE, Norwich Norfolk England
1853 - Birth: Hermann Edmund SCHLEICHER, Cape Town, Western Cape, SOUTH AFRICA
1875 - Birth: Agnes JOHNSON, (Shopkeeper) West Ham Essex England
1896 - Birth: Annie E ELPHICK, Southwark Surrey England
1902 - Birth: Ida Maud KIRCHEN Eye Green Northamptonshire England
1858 - Death: Margaret Anne CLEGG, Newton Stewart Wigtonshire Scotland
1892 - Death: Elisabeth Anna LANEHAM, Bower Chalke Wiltshire England
1929 - Burial: Richard MAYNARD, Stoke by Guildford Surrey England
1934 - Death: Alice Maud BROWN, Montrose Angus Scotland
1944 - Death: Fanny STOWE, (Cloth Worker) STOWE, Trowbridge Wiltshire England
1953 - Death: Edith Elizabeth COLLINS, Otahuhu New Zealand
1981 - Death: Louis Ferdinand LAFITTE, Bowes Park Middlesex England
2002 - Death: Terry D DAUGHERTY, Auburndale Florida United States
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy.
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup.
Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.
Mail us at
Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time.
That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.
Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.
Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.
that missing link between some name that ends the same as mine
Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript,
that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt.
Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,
that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.
With grateful thanks to Simon Knott
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see
INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:-
The United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024.
We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family and documenting cultural inheritance"
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