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Monday 19th October 2020 - Number 7117


Lord, help me dig into the past 
and sift the sands of time
that I might find the roots that made
this family tree of mine

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, 
on which our fathers trod, 
which led them through so many lands, 
to find our present sod.

Lord help me find an ancient book 
or dusty manuscript, 
that's safely hidden now away, 
In some forgotten crypt.

Lord, let it bridge the gap, 
that haunts my soul when I can't find, 
that missing link between some name, 
that ends the same as mine.

Henry Lawes


We could put your LAWS/LAWES story here 


Extracted from our Database today

Monday 19th October 2020

We don't show births after 1920 or marriages after 1940 

(GDPR 2018)

(After these dates apply to the registrar)

Family Events

1770 - Birth: Alexander MCMINN-31590,  (Cartwright) Borgue,             Kirkcudbrightshire Scotland
           (My wife's maternal 4th Great Grandfather)
1780 - Marriage: George LAWS-6039 and Elizabeth KEMBER-             6040, Folkestone Kent England

1783 - Baptism: Sarah LAWS-20825, Wymondham Norfolk                     England
1805 - Baptism: William LAWS-3328, (Alderman & Grocer &                 Tea Dealer)  Great Yarmouth Norfolk England

1814 - Marriage: John LAWS-11319 and Sarah THAINE-20347,             (Cow Keeper)  Ditchingham Norfolk England
1817 - Christen: Mary LAWS-2965, Chatteris Cambridgeshire               England
1821 - Birth: Mahala GOSLING-4233, Ashfield cum Thorpe                   Suffolk England
1834 - Marriage: Mark (Gardener) LAWS-6161 and Phoebe                   MOUNTAIN-6162, (Binder) Costessey Norfolk England

1846 - Death: Leah LAWES-584, 
1848 - Marriage: Phillip LAWES-24429 (Shoemaker &                             Widower)  and Charlotte COOPER-24430, (Servant) 
           Beccles Suffolk England

1851 - Birth: Robert Frederick MOONEY-7057, 
           (PC Killed on Duty) 
           (My paternal Great Grand Uncle)
1861 - Birth: William LAWES-27769, (Brickmaker)  
           Windsor Berkshire England

1867 - Death: Isabella LAWS-21146, Willington Durham                         England
1867 - Birth: Charlotte Louisa LAWS-17082, 
1871 - Birth: Francis George LAWS-4726, (Coachsmith)                           Shedfield, Droxford Hampshire England
1884 - Birth: Charles Joseph LAWS-15516, (Timekeeper /                       Clerk/CC) (Private Canadian 180 Btn 86245)  
           Ipswich Suffolk England

1885 - Residence: Bethsheba MAYHEW-44681, Poole Dorset                   England
1885 - Death: William LAWS-44680, (Wine Merchant &                           Gentleman)  Canonbury, Middlesex England
1887 - Marriage: Henry Charlton BUCKWORTH-44650                         (Managing Director)  and Emily CULVER-45795, 
           City of London, England
1890 - Birth: Laura SEELEY-21435,  Brumby Lincolnshire                     England
1893 - Death: Robert LAWS-31514, (Carrier) Aldbrough, 
           East Yorkshire England
1895 - Birth: Alice LAWS-43154, (Waitress) 
1898 - Death: Martha Amelia GOLDSMITH-18989, Kensington             Middlesex England
1898 - Birth: Victor Thomas LAWES-10554, (Farmer) 
           Portland Dorset England
1900 - Birth: Frederick Philip HARWOOD-47788, 
           (Bakers Roundsman) 
1901 - Death: William Charles LAWS-44033, (Pawnbroker)                      Little Ilford Essex England
1901 - Marriage: Charles Alfred LAWS-44034 (Fitters Assistant)
           and Rebecca HYAMS-44036, Little Ilford Essex England
1901 - Marriage: Samuel GALLEY-20350 and Martha LAWS-               20349, Hellington Norfolk England
1903 - Birth: William Sydney LAWS-7109, 
           (Foreman Concrete Manhole Maker) 
1904 - Birth: William A LAWS-41308, (Steel Worker) 
1909 - Birth: Frederick WEBBER-33087 (Motor Driver and                   Milkman), Leeds West Yorkshire England
           (My wife's paternal Uncle also 1st Cousin once removed)
1910 - Marriage: Harold Stewart LAWS-11134 (Reverend)  
            and Ruth Roberta WYATT-49347, Sherbrooke, Quebec                CANADA
1912 - Birth: Eva M ILBURY-37477, (Capstan Lathe Hand,-                   Incapacitated Temporary) Brentford Middlesex England
1912 - Birth: Madge JARROTT-11281, Drayton Australia
1913 - Birth: Thomas WEBBER-13918, (Motor Driver                              Unemployed)  Leeds West Yorkshire England
             (My wife's paternal Uncle also 1st Cousin once removed)
1914 - Birth: Benjamin John LAWS-12595, (Australian Army)                Leichhardt, New South Wales Australia
1916 - Miscellaneous: Harry James LAWS-7372, (Architect)                    Lower Clapton Middlesex England
1917 - Enlistment: Ernest Edward LAWS-7946, (Printers                         Compositor RN - &  RAF) 

1918 - Death: Henry Alexander LAWS- (RNVR Lieutenant                     17333,)  Portman Square Middlesex but Buried: 
           Wivenhoe Essex England 
1918 - Miscellaneous: Isabella FRANCES-6148, 
1919 - Arrival: Edith LAWS-50781, 
1920 - Death: Susan Ida LAWS-13815, Shinnston, 
           Harrison County, West Virginia United States
1926 - Death: John LAWES-43802, 
1926 - Death: Julia Ann LAWS-7861, North Finchley Middlesex              England
1929 - Miscellaneous: Margaret Helena  LAWS-44511,                              (Governess & Spinster) 
1936 - Residence: Arthur LAWS-49532, (Potato Salesman)                       Bowes Park Middlesex England
1936 - Death: Compton LAWS-25498, Snook, Texas 
            United States
1937 - Residence: William LAWES-34108, Well House,                             Harestock, Winchester Hampshire England
1939 - Arrival: Geoffrey LAWS-10702, (Lt Colonel) Liverpool                  Lancashire England
1944 - Death: Mary Ann LAWS-20110, 
1946 - Burial: Charles E LAWS-16287, Baltimore Maryland                   United States
1952 - Residence: Evelyn Louisa MOULD-45169, 
           Saint Margarets at Cliffe Kent England
1952 - Death: Raymond Ward LAWES-25038, 
           (Estate Agents Branch Manager) 
            Chartham Kent England but resided at Saint Margaret's              at Cliffe Kent England
1955 - Arrival: Merritt Tennyson LAWS-51506, 
           Laws Roofing Company inc) 
           Honolulu, Hawaii United States
1961 - Death: Phyllis Mary LAWS-2880, (Musician Violin /                       Chelloist Spinster) Hammersmith Middlesex England
           but resided at Richmond on Thames Surrey England

1982 - Death: Fred Ruxton LAWS-24810, (Locomotive Driver)                Rockhampton Queensland Australia
2005 - Death: Kimberlee Dyann LAWS-20809, Taylorsville 
           North Carolina United States
2006 - Death: Ivan Victor LAWS-25754, Daleside 
            North Yorkshire England
2006 - Death: Ivy BRANT-13956, Southend-on-Sea Essex                         England
           (My maternal Grand Aunt)
2007 - Death: Delores LAWS-45708, California United States
2008 - Death: Sharon LAWS-32406, Nottingham,                                        Nottinghamshire England

2013 - Death: Donald Franklin LAWS-38911, Moravian Falls                   North Carolina United States
2013 - Death: Lovie LAWS-38408, Green Mountain 
           North Carolina United States



A Child of the Twenties

A suburban childhood of the Twenties as seen from the Nineteen Nineties
by John Robert Laws 1921-2008                                                 
Part 14

The large playing field had room for, several football and hockey pitches, or for cricket in summer as well as grass tennis courts. Sport was encouraged and every Saturday morning there was a big turnout of teams to compete with other schools. I was no good at football and played in the fifth eleven which regularly lost by astronomical scores. Cricket was a little better and I reached the second eleven without any great success.

The one sport that interested me was swimming. Having learnt to swim at elementary school, I continued to enjoy it and as the years went by more and more public pools opened up. The first one I used was the old indoor pool at Wood Green. I do not know when this one was opened but my mum & dad had used it before my time. I first used it before I could swim properly and I was so small that the water in the shallow end came up to my chin. 

Being an indoor pool it was heated. The only other indoor heated pool I came across was somewhere in Tottenham, where I went and swam in an inter-school gala, the details of which escape me. The first of the ‘new’ open-air pools was the Hornsey pool situated between Crouch End and ‘Ally Pally’. It was fine in the summer sunshine and Harry and I used it a few times before we moved away from Wightman Road. After that, we cycled out at weekends to the new pool at Enfield which was more spacious, after swimming we cycled back more slowly with protesting muscles.

Having moved to Southgate, most of my swimming was done in the open-air pool at Barrowell Green. This was an old pool and a little cramped but I spent many happy hours there (instead of doing my homework). The pool was supposed to get a bit of heat from the dust destructor furnace next door but this must have been minimal as the temperature in the early part of the season was often 60-61F, All our school swimming was at this pool and we could get cheap tickets at school (one old penny) for use out of school hours. Unless it was raining, when you could have the pool almost to yourself, there was always a crowd of school friends there, sunning, swimming, fooling and flirting. 

It was a sign of the changing times in the thirties that while this old pool had no car park, just a cramped bicycle area, the new pool at Enfield had a large car park. The latest pool completed in my schooldays was at New Southgate in Durnsford Road. This was the only one I knew with full height high diving boards. This kept the pool noticeably colder than the others and it did not become popular except in very hot weather.         


Dear Ancestor,-
Your tombstone stands amongst the rest, neglected and alone
The names and dates are chiselled out on polished marble stone

It reaches out to all who care, it is too late to mourn
You did not know that I exist, you died and I was born
Yet each of us are cells of you, in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own

Dear Ancestor, 
The place you filled one hundred years ago
Spreads out amongst the ones you left
 who would have loved you so,
I wonder if you lived and loved, 
I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot and come to visit you.



If you are a LAWS or a LAWES searching for your family,

you may be interested in our new 

Facebook Group 



Robert Henry Laws
Captain of the Barque 'Woolhampton' 
my paternal Great Grandfather

Barque 'Woolhampton'

This is Robert Henry's Wife 
Sarah Ann Laws, formerly Fuller
My paternal Great Grandmother



Sharon Nicola LAWS
2008 Olympics Cyclist
Environmental adviser for Rio Tinto Zinc 
1974 -2017

The contents provided on this site are not guaranteed to be error-free
It is always advised that you consult original records.



We have excluded records of living people to protect their privacy (GDPR 2018)
We only show births before 1920, and marriages before 1940.

If you are seeking to find folk after these years you should contact the registrar 



                      Member of The Guild of One-Name Studies



With grateful thanks to Simon Knott 
for his permission to reproduce his photographs on this site 


We support
 INVICTUS and Help for Heroes
The French Cheese Van in Edinburgh


10/09/2020 Big delivery arrived from FRANCE
Today Thursday the 10th of september

most goats cheeses are BACK IN STOCK as well as the very popular Pâté de champagne 

( country style ). plus all the usual cow’s milk and blue cheeses.

Please feel free to contact me if you need to discuss quantities or just if you want to know how ripe is the Brie this week for exemple….

Cédric Minel

outside my Door
in North Berwick
(after the Pandemic)
Oh la la fromage

                                                                   This organization recognizes:
         The United Nations' International Decade for People oAfrican Descent 2015-2024         
We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, or orientation.

We are all one family

You can e-mail us with your questions,



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