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Monday 27th November 2017 - Number 2965

to  the
Laws Family Blog

We reach out to all, regardless 

of Race, Colour, Creed, Orientation or National Origin, with support for researching family and documenting cultural inheritance


Dear Ancestor,-
Your tombstone stands amongst the rest, neglected and alone
The names and dates are chiselled out on polished marble stone
It reaches out to all who care, it is too late to mourn
You did not know that I exist, you died and I was born
Yet each of us are cells of you, in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own

Dear Ancestor, 
The place you filled one hundred years ago
Spreads out amongst the ones you left who would have loved you so,
I wonder if you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot, and come to visit you. 








We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy -therefore we are not showing births after 1920 or marriages after 1940 these are only available on request

If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, date and reference number, and we will happily do a look up, you might even get a whole tree! 

We will be happy to publish within this blog Your stories of your LAWS research and also members of the LAWS and LAWES family you are searching for. 

We will be happy to help with you with your LAWS/LAWES research, and in certain instances we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf.

The content provided on this site is not guaranteed to be error free - It is always advised that you consult original records.

 Contact me via email at 

Family Events from our database for today 27th November

Family Events

BIRTHS baptisms etc

1719 - Christen: Elizabeth LAWS-5997, Bishopsgate Middlesex England
1761 - Birth: John LAWES (Ag Lab) -21195, Coombe Bissett Wiltshire England

1806 - Christen: John LAWS (Porter in Silk Warehouse) -6870, Shoreditch Middlesex England
1869 - Birth: Amelia LAWS-29211, Lambeth Surrey England

1889 - Birth: Charles Oswald Cox LAWES (Engine Driver) -38098, Wilton Wiltshire England
1901 - Birth: Edward G LAWES (Labourer) -45162, 
1902 - Baptism: William Claude LAWS-41145, South Wimbledon Surrey England
1902 - Birth: Albert George LAWES-38484, 
1902 - Birth: Emma Irene LAWES (Spinster) -1952, Southampton Hampshire England
1904 - Birth: Barbara LAWS-22545, Sunderland Durham England

1910 - Birth: Enid Elizabeth LAWS-31360, 


1811 - Marriage: George LAWS (Quarryman) -26766 and Jane HODGSON-26767, Egton                     North Yorkshire England

1812 - Marriage: Samuel LAWS-14118 and Mary RECTOR-16473, Fauquier VA United States
1853 - Marriage: Thomas Brignell LAWS (Secretary Copper Mining Co) -7994 and Mary Ann              Elizabeth BASHAM (Milliner) -5265, London Middlesex England (St GHS)
1877 - Marriage: Samuel LAWS (Gamekeeper) -8337 and Ann ROBINSON-7798, Mansfield                 Nottinghamshire England
1895 - Marriage: Thomas Elijah LAWS (Ag Lab) -8633 and Martha ELLIOTT-23194,                            Skirlaugh East Yorkshire England
1897 - Marriage: Edward GRAY-26760 and Mary Jane  Lewery LAWS-5940, Earsdon                            Northumberland England

DEATHS burials etc

1829 - Death: George LAWES-324, Breamore Hampshire England
1862 - Death: William LAWES (Carpenter & Builder) -27467, Basingstoke Hampshire England

1882 - Death: Henry LAWS Shoemaker)-5914, Litcham Norfolk England

1918 - Admon: Agnes LAWS (Spinster) -6759, 
1943 - Death: W R LAWS (RAFVR Sgt as yet unidentified) -43613, 
1984 - Death: Katherine Mary LAWS-43006, Leamington Spa Warwickshire England
1984 - Burial: John Henry LAWS (SN US Navy) -16741, Houston, Harris Co Texas 
           United States
2004 - Death: Billy Reid LAWS-16876, Statesville, Iredell County NC United States


1902 - Residence: William Claude LAWS-41145, South Wimbledon Surrey England

1902 - Residence: Alfred Ebeneezer LAWS (Insurance Agent) -4286, South Wimbledon 
            Surrey England
1918 - Residence: Samuel WITHERS (Coach Builder) -17329, Shrewsbury SAL
1918 - Residence: Madelaine Grace Mathews WITHERS-17328, Shrewsbury SAL


1865 - Birth: Kittie I MEISSNER-19324, WN United States
1880 - Birth: Belle M CARPENTER-17256, IL United States
1888 - Birth: Gertrude Jennie YEARGAIN-36398, Farmington, St.Francois Co. MO 
           United States
1889 - Birth: Alice Lorinda ROE-3199, 
1910 - Birth: Ada Mary Fenn EMSDEN-10883, Thorington Suffolk England



1905 - Death: Jane BARKER-6270, Fincham Norfolk England

1931 - Death: Emily WARDLEY-8221, Doncaster, South Yorkshire England
1936 - Death: Ellen PHILLIPSON-13951, University College Hospital, Gower Street Middlesex             but resided at Woodrising, Shooters Way, Berkhamstead,  Hertfordshire England
1965 - Death: John M HARRELL-41774, United States
1915 - Death: Rufus (Labourer) LAWS-24890, Flat River MO United States

A Child of the Twenties

A suburban childhood of the Twenties 

Seen from the Nineteen Nineties

By John Robert Laws 1921-2008

Part 8.

One faint memory of Green Lanes is of the buses with their cabs shrouded in wire netting to protect the volunteer drivers during the National Strike of 1926. What a good job there were no television cameras to encourage the attackers.

As well as the main shopping area in Green Lanes there were a few little shops around the railway station. The sweet shop was to me the most important and in those impecunious days many sweet shops kept a halfpenny and farthing box with a selection of sweets at those prices for kids with pocket money. It is a sign of changing times that as I type this computer throws out the word Farthing as not being in the dictionary.

The dress of the period is familiar from photographs but the black and white of these photos does not tell us how much to colours changed. These monochrome photos are perhaps appropriate to the rather drab colours of every day wear. Grey, black and white was definitely favourites except for special occasions. Green was thought unlucky by some though my mother had a brilliant green evening dress for one special occasion. Red tended to be associated with the immoral so one was left with brown and blue and usually dark at that. Even holiday wear was much less colourful, white flannels and a navy blue blazer being about the height of seaside fashion for Pater families. The ladies did much better with flower patterned fabrics. For better or for worse the mini skirt hadn't been invented and bikini was still the name of an unknown Pacific island.

Among the street people with distinctive dress the policeman stood out. A big man in his navy blue tunic and trousers, a leather belt around his middle with a bull’s-eye torch at the rear and his outfit completed with a proper Bobbies helmet on his head and big black boots on his feet for pavement pounding. Just occasionally his whistle might be heard shrilling as he chased some malefactor down the road. More often he was seen but not heard as he came by on foot or on his bike with his rain cape neatly folded over the handlebars.

Our family doctor lived just across the way in a sizable corner house. I saw him from time to time when I had various childhood ailments but his likeness escapes me. My mother always thought me thin and needing fattening up but rather doubting when the doctor included pork in his dietary recommendations. Anyway I ate like a horse the only dislike I can remember was the kidney in steak and kidney pudding. The doctor had installed a machine for 'sun-ray treatment' and my mother took me over to him several times for a dose of the beneficial light. It was some sort of ultra violet light emission which would no frighten a quack silly today but in small doses probably did neither good or harm.       

The twenties and early thirties were a period of innovation in the home. Discoveries made in earlier decades started to come to fruition as household hardware, consumer durables stated to flow into the home. It was only the first wave of course; the flood was released after the war onto the earlier infrastructure.
The first innovation in my world was the gramophone which ousted the piano-player largely on account of size I suspect as the reproduction from the brittle single sided records was less than good. We must have missed a couple of stages in this development as I did not see a cylinder  playing phonograph until  friend produced one from a junkshop a year or two later. Nor do I remember a Gramophone with a big horn on top. Ours had the horn hidden away in its polished woodwork and the only music from it which struck a chord in my memory was Toseelli’s Seranade.
The radio seems to have come at the same time as the gramophone not true of course, but a childhood impression. The crystal set was impressive hardware then even if the output that came through the earphones all the way from Daventry was erratic and to me uninteresting , Fiddling with the ‘cats whisker’ to try and coax  the best reception from the as of yet untamed crystal was much more to my taste.
The crystal set was not with us long; Soon battery powered sets with varying numbers of mysterious glowing thermionic valves took over with better reception and more to go wrong. Aerial poles sprouted at the foot of most gardens, harbingers of the later ugly skyline rash. Two batteries were needed to work these sets, a large HT battery which just wore out and had to be replaced and a lead acid accumulator which had to be recharged at the shop down the road, all this power made the use of a loudspeaker possible. It stood on top of the cabinet housing all the bits and its curly metal horn was now really audible.
For me change began with the coming of electric light, just the tip of the innovation iceberg as the electric supply network built up. In with the electric light came the electric points as we called the outlets, only one in a room to start with  just for a reading lamp perhaps. The radio, which we called the wireless with a wry smile, it had more wires than any other previous domestic item, was now released from the tyranny of the accumulator as mains powered sets arrived. The voice from the trumpet of your loud speaker no longer started to fade as the battery power ran down. It is odd to think that a considerably later innovation the replacement of the valve by the transistor, brought back the rechargeable battery but in a small and convenient form.
With the plugging in of the new radios the electric supply had started on its trail of removing chores from the household. The next arrival after the radio was the electric fire which rapidly penetrated into every home with electric supply and brought quick warmth. More flexible than the older gas fire was, it was even more useful before central heating became commonplace.
Following it up the front steps came the vacuum cleaner salesman, the first and probable the greatest beneficiary of the small electric motor in the domestic field, except the housewife of course. No longer were the clouds of dust raised as the bass broom worked its way down the stairs and through the hall to the back door. The volume of dirt in the house was reduced but the battle could not be won until the open coal fire was on the way out.
Somehow progress was slow with the electric cooker which did not really become controllable until my childhood was well into double figures. Gas and solid fuel cookers continued to spread dirt in the home but were the easiest and cheapest stoves to use and even now hold material portion of the market.
The only other innovation to compare with electricity was the motor vehicle. It had been invented some thirty odd years before, but development and cost reduction took time, and I was about four years old when my father bought his first car, a bull nosed Morris, built like a tank but a troublesome beast. It was 1925 and there were not a lot of cars on the road, the speed limit was 20 mph and although this lasted very little longer my dad managed to get fined for exceeding it before it was changed. Houses had no garages, and the car was housed about half a mile away where a garage proprietor had a few lockup garages besides his scruffy workshop. The Morris was only used at weekends and holidays and although it was a lovely toy for my dad I thought it a bit of a bore and escaped from it as soon as I was old enough to ride a bike on the road.
Perhaps the most innovative thing about our car was that my mother learnt to drive it, scarcely the done thing at that time. By the time I was ten she had one of her own, a little open topped Singer which was far more to my taste and could be pushed up to 60mph “Don’t tell your father!” There road system was getting some improvement in the twenties and a few new roads space was left for a second carriageway, often it got left for another thirty years.
At some point my father changed his Morris for a Chrysler which went much father, too fast in fact to get round the Anglo-Saxon corners of East Anglia, where he wrote it off and landed himself in hospital for a day or two, seat belts were a much later innovation, after that he got a sedate Hillman which lasted the rest of his days.   

Lord, help me dig into the past
and sift the sands of time
That I might find the roots that made
This family tree of mine

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads,
On which my father's trod
And led them through so many lands
To find our present sod.

Lord, help me find an ancient book
Or dusty manuscript,
Thats safely hidden now away
In some forgotten crypt

Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts
My soul, when I can't find
The missing link between some name
That ends the same as mine


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The content provided on this site is not guaranteed to be error free - It is always advised that you consult original records.

Member of The Guild of One-Name Studies


With grateful thanks to Simon Knott for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see :-

We support INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes the United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024. We reach out to all regardless of race, color, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family and documenting cultural inheritance.”


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