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Wednesday 17th April 2019 - Number 3462

Welcome to the Laws Family Blog  

We reach out to all, regardless of Race, Colour, Creed, Gender & Orientation, or National Origin, with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance.

Here is Robert Henry's Wife 

Sarah Ann Laws formerly Fuller

My paternal Great Grandmother


Robert Henry Laws
Captain of the Barque 'Woolhampton' 
my paternal Great Grandfather


Gone but not forgotten, this blog is dedicated 
to all those who have borne our illustrious
surnames LAWS and LAWES Worldwide


Our Database 

(is updated daily)

49,687 Folks (+0)

16,403 Families (+0)

118,899 Events (+5)

All in 10,557 Places (+3)

Are your LAWS family amongst them? 

Did one of your family marry, into one of these LAWS families? 

Mail us today with your inquiry. we'd be glad to help you.

Enquires are still  very welcome 

so please e-mail me 



We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy. 
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.  

 If you are interested in anyone listed in extracts from our database, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup. 

We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf.  We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)

(Please note all spelling is British English)

Since we started this blog has been visited by the following countries


USA 110045 (+25)
Germany 34,710 (+3)
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Romania 19
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Family Events for today 17th April

1794 - Baptism: Amelia LAWES-1302, Warminster Wiltshire  England
1804 - Birth: Hester B LAWS-47971, (Welfare Supervisor LMS Railway) 
1817 - Birth: Samuel LAWES-11877, Hevingham Norfolk England
1837 - Birth: Edward LAWS-2854, (Mayor of Tenby /Justice of the Peace) Lamphrey Pembrokeshire Wales
1853 - Birth: Samuel LAWS-8337, (Gamekeeper) Thurne Norfolk England
1872 - Birth: Albert W LAWES-45170, (Foreman Baker)  
1878 - Birth: Herbert LAWS-48024, (Railway Engineer - Lengthman  Repairer) Roos East Yorkshire England
1891 - Birth: Leonard George LAWS-31536, (Tailors Cutter/Designer) Camberwell Surrey England
1892 - Baptism: Florence Louise LAWS-14444, (Dressmaker) Wandsworth Surrey England
1895 - Birth: Herbert Joseph  LAWS-20041, (ARMY Private 23/375) Bedlington Northumberland England
1896 - Birth: Marie Louise LAWS-14446, 
1904 - Birth: Robert F LAWES-45278, (Engineering Storekeeper) 
1907 - Birth: Arthur Alfred LAWES-34136, (County Council Labourer) Reading Berkshire England
1911 - Birth: Barbara LAWS-20103, Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1912 - Birth: Alton LAWS-16639, (PFC US Army Air Force) 
1914 - Birth: Emlyn LAWES-47474, (Public Works Labourer)  

1915 - Birth: Jane Ann LAWS-22699, (Baker on own account) West Hartlepool Durham England
1917 - Birth: Robert Harry LAWS-18015, (Economist) Mountain City, Tennessee United States

1765 - Marriage: George QUINSEE-3123 and Sarah LAWS-3124, Chatteris Cambridgeshire England
1775 - Marriage: James MURRAY-7086 and Ann LAWS-7085, Southwark Surrey England
1805 - Marriage: Edward HOBDAY-7511 and Ann LAWS-6716, Folkestone Kent England
1880 - Marriage: Edward John LAWS-9639 (Lamp Salesman) and Hester Maria SISSON-30116, 
           Marylebone Middlesex England
1881 - Marriage: Francis John LAWS-39070 (Plate Polisher) and Charlotte WOODS-42765, Paddington Middlesex             England
1926 - Marriage: John Barker PERFECT-37238 (Fruit Salesman, Produce Importer) and 
           Lillie Poppy Ladysmith LAWS-15849, (Clerk)  Great Ilford Essex England
1933 - Marriage: George Herbert LAWES-39640 and Mary Millie Mabel SHAVE-39641, Farnham Surrey England

1793 - Death: George LAWES-21198, Homington, Wiltshire England (St Michaels)
1800 - Death: Cuthbert LAWS-27248, Ryton Durham England
1879 - Burial: Samuel LAWES-11435, (Teamster) Booton Norfolk England
1895 - Death: George R LAWS-8899, (Tailor, Clothier  & Widower) Leeds West Yorkshire England
1917 - Death: James Robert LAWS-21160, (Slater & Roof Tiler) France

1918 - Death: Ralph LAWS-22322, (ARMY Private 32203)
1938 - Death: Arthur G LAWS-41779, Winnebago County, Illinois United States
1941 - Death: Dorothy Myrtle LAWS-34095, (Civilian War Death) Addiscombe Surrey England
1949 - Death: Charles Adolph LAWS-19397, Los Angeles, California United States
1979 - Burial: Patrick Francis Joseph LAWS-27560, (Labourer) Christchurch New Zealand
1996 - Death: Harold Burnett LAWS-36779, (Horseman on Farm) Darlington Durham England
1997 - Death: Alva Lincoln LAWS-18079, Cottage Grove, Oregon United States
2004 - Death: Sandra LAWS-14026, Regional Medical Center, Spartanburg South Carolina United States

1861 - Occupation: Thomas Francis Cresswell LAWS-27163, (Ships Steerage Steward)  
1880 - Residence: Hester Maria SISSON-30116, Notting Hill Middlesex England

1880 - Residence: Edward John LAWS-9639, (Lamp Salesman) Marylebone Middlesex England
1910 - Residence: Alice TALMAGE-42349, Wandsworth Surrey England
1910 - Residence: Christopher James LAWS-42348, (Pool Petroleum Board) Wandsworth Surrey England
1914 - Residence: Horace Colville LAWS-22923, (Sugar Sales Director) New York City New York United States
           and Southport Lancashire England
1960 - Residence: Herbert Henry LAWS-43958, (Millwright) West Heath Kent England

1861 - Birth: Catherine RUSCHLI-23274, (German Ancestry) Crown Point, Lake County, Indiana United States
1865 - Birth: John Robert FAWCETT-39570, Leeds West Yorkshire England

1878 - Birth: Mary Matilda MCINTYRE-3264, 
1887 - Birth: Matthew SEELEY-21919, Brumby Lincolnshire England
1891 - Birth: Florence Lilian SNOOK-29594, Donhead Saint Mary Wiltshire England
1907 - Birth: Marjorie AMEY-50331, 
1916 - Birth: John PARKER-20107, Walker Northumberland England

1808 - Marriage: James Henry MILLER-49577 and Sarah GREEDUS-49576, Saint Botolph Without Bishopsgate,                London

1814 - Burial: Joseph CHARTERS-14152, Torpenhow Cumberland England
1821 - Death: Susan WATTS-11472, Norwich Norfolk England
1845 - Death: Robert GEORGE-30335, Westleton Suffolk England
1901 - Burial: James KNIBBS-30859, Oakwood Cemetery, Troy New York United States
1920 - Burial: Christopher DAKER-21440,  (Coal Miner) Stanley cum Wrenthorpe West Yorkshire England
1941 - Death: Charles Herbert PURKISS-46992, (Civilian War Death) Addiscombe Surrey England
1941 - Death: Arthur J TAYLOR-22446, (Railway Policeman) Paddington Middlesex England
1954 - Death: William H HAWBECKER-22582, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan United States
1960 - Death: Evelyn Joyce COLEMAN-27050, Stratford Essex England
1980 - Death: Mary Isabelle Bird Clegg CHARTERS-14212, Leeds West Yorkshire England
1992 - Death: Irene Hilda GREEDUS-49591, (Shorthand Typist) Brentwood Essex England
2004 - Death: Gladys Mae HEMBREE-14035, 
2008 - Burial: Ruth SMITH-36872, Hyde Cheshire England




Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.

 Mail us at

The Registrar'

Please Share this blog with your friends & Contacts

  -----------'Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire England ---------

Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time. 

That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.

Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.

Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript, 

that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt. 

Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,

that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.

Sharon Nicola LAWS
2008 Olympics Cyclist
Environmental adviser for Rio Tinto Zinc 

The content provided on this site is not guaranteed to be error free 
It is always advised that you consult original records.

Member of The Guild of One-Name Studies

With grateful thanks to Simon Knott 
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see

We support

 INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:- 
The United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024. 

We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance"


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