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Saturday 6th April 2019 - Number 3451

Welcome to the Laws Family Blog  

We reach out to all, regardless of Race, Colour, Creed, Gender & Orientation, or National Origin, with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance.

Robert Henry Laws
Captain of the Barque 'Woolhampton' 
my paternal Great Grandfather
Here is Robert Henry's Wife 
Sarah Ann Laws formerly Fuller
My paternal Great Grandmother

Gone but not forgotten, this blog is dedicated 
to all those who have borne our illustrious
surnames LAWS and LAWES Worldwide


Our Database 

(is updated daily)

49,615 Folks

16,365 Families

118,561 Events

All in 10,563 Places

Is your LAWS family amongst them? 

Did one of your family marry, into one of these LAWS families? 

Mail us today with your inquiry. we'd be glad to help you.

Enquires are still  very welcome 

so please e-mail me 



We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy. 
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.  

 If you are interested in anyone listed in extracts from our database, email us with the name, dates and reference number, and we will happily do a lookup. 

We are happy to help you with your Laws or Lawes research, and in certain instances, we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf.  We will be happy to publish in this blog the stories of your Laws or Lawes research, and also to list members of the Laws or Lawes family you are searching for. (Subject to the rule above.)

(Please note all spelling is British English)

Since we started this blog has been visited by the following countries

USA 109398
Germany 34618
Russia 24738
UK 14355
France 8988
Ukraine 7057
Slovakia 6720
Czechia 6412
Netherlands 3674
Canada 2476

United States 21
Germany 9
France 4
Indonesia 3
Portugal 3
Greece 1
Croatia 1
Family Events for today 6th April

1783 - Christen: Charles LAWS-7637, Norwich Norfolk England
1827 - Birth: Ovid S LAWS-20471, Tennessee United States
1842 - Birth: George LAWS-4042, (Carman/Coachman Domestic)  Burston Norfolk England
1858 - Birth: Alfred Ernest LAWS-46122, (Master Mariner) Sea View, Isle of Wight,                               Hampshire England
1863 - Birth: John Robert LAWS-8311, (Foreman - Manufacturer of Mattresses, Cellular                       Drawers, Sandbags for the Government)  
1885 - Birth: William Reuben LAWS-25436, 
1898 - Birth: Charles Henry LAWS-25100, (Junior) 
1899 - Birth: Cecil LAWES-28330, (Royal Signals Eastern Command Signal Company                           Hounslow 2310376 Asec  Pirbright Surrey England
1902 - Birth: Charles LAWS-44535,(Corporation General Labourer) Sunderland Durham                     England
1902 - Birth: Alfred LAWS-42589, (Road Labourer) 
1902 - Birth: Reginald Garrard  LAWS-12941, (Australian Army) Blackheath, 
           New South Wales Australia
1905 - Birth: Fanny LAWS-20583, 
1907 - Birth: Frederick Harold LAWS-39671, (Farm Horsekeeper) Feltwell Norfolk England
1908 - Birth: Helen Louisa LAWES-32010, Birmingham Warwickshire England
1908 - Birth: Arthur LAWES-48503, (Sheet Metal Worker) 
1910 - Birth: George LAWS-45066, (Foundery Labourer)  
1910 - Birth: Nelda LAWS-27918, Colonia Diaz, Galeana, Chihuahua Mexico
1913 - Birth: Gertrude Jean LAWS-12557, New Zealand
1914 - Birth: Sarah E LAWS-42597, (Hand Felter in Tailoring Trade) 
1914 - Birth: Naff L LAWS-36670, (Seaman 1st class US Navy 9665491) Pensacola, 
           Yancey County, North Carolina United States
1916 - Birth: William LAWS-44874, (Fitter War Office Tanks)  
1920 - Birth: Roy Bennett LAWS-16336, Sheffield West Yorkshire England

1788 - Marriage: George LAWS-34643 and Thomasin WHEATLEY-34597, 
           Newcastle upon Tyne Northumberland England
1867 - Marriage: Thomas LAWS-3988 (Coal Miner) and Jane Ann WINTER-3989, Easington,             Durham, England
1874 - Marriage: John HALL-8083 (Gunner in Royal Marines Artillery)  and 
           Harriett Augustus LAWS-27116, (Servant) Portsmouth Hampshire England
1874 - Marriage: William REVILL-26514 (Carpenter) and Elizabeth LAWS-26515, 
           Bungay Suffolk England
1879 - Marriage: Henry DOWLES-31140 (Widower) and Harriet LAWS-31141, 
            Finchingfield Essex England
1885 - Marriage: William J LAWS-25135 and Louisa HERTZEL-25136, Crown Point, 
           Lake County, Indiana United States
1897 - Marriage: Mansfield Gibson LAWS-5847 (Farmers Son) and Edna PECK-12524,                         Ladner, New Westminster British Columbia Canada
1912 - Marriage: Charles Alfred TEAGUE-47277 (Joiner) and Frances LAWS-                                       15952 (Dressmaker), East Molesey Surrey England
1920 - Marriage: James STENNING-21884 (Electrician)  and Mary Jane LAWS -5558, 
            (Ladies Maid)  Reigate Surrey England
1921 - Marriage: William BAKER-39027 (Motor Driver) and Kathleen LAWS-15975, 
            Kenley Surrey England
1931 - Marriage: Thomas Hugh LAWES-2341 (Baker) and Ena Sophia JACKSON-42977,                     Grays Thurrock Essex England
1940 - Marriage: Ernest Lindsey LAWS-3267 (Tobacco Grower) and Ivy May WRIGHT-3299, 

1869 - Burial: James LAWS-33036, Southwark Surrey England
1882 - Death: Ethel Maud LAWES-24554, Goulburn New South Wales Australia
1888 - Burial: Dorothy Ann LAWS-35549, Wingate Durham England
1892 - Burial: Elsie Barbara LAWS-20827, Shillingstone Dorset England
1927 - Death: Demetrius Ypsilanti LAWS-25084, Syracuse New York United States
1932 - Death: Emma Jane LAWS-22497, Los Angeles, California United States
1951 - Death: Oscar Columbus LAWS-8471, Emporia, Lyon, Kansas United States
1954 - Death: Eliza Ann LAWS-7937, Whitehaven Cumberland England
1999 - Death: Ruby Millicent (Formerley EDE) LAWS-20207, South Australia, Australia
2014 - Death: Charles Edward LAWS-43249, Erwin Tennessee United States

1931 - Occupation: Alfred William LAWES-39076, (Baker) 
1931 - Marr Witness: Victor Robert LAWES-42978, Grays Thurrock Essex England
1940 - Residence: Alice Maud BRADNUM-17484, Sunderland Durham England
1953 - Residence: Frederick Peter FULLER-50117, (Stationer)  Bush Hill Park Middlesex                     England

1856 - Birth: Sarah Ann YALLOP-6860, Castle Acre Norfolk England
1897 - Birth: James CASSELL-35484, Molong New South Wales Australia
1903 - Birth: Ruth THEOBALD-38379, Saint Louis, Missouri United States
1915 - Birth: Ivy C HOWES-35572, 

1920 - Birth: Phyllis Margaret M BRAY-43353, Medway Kent England


1867 - Death: Mary Penelope PEARSON-13843, Henderson, North Carolina United States
1907 - Burial: Alfred Frederick SCOTT-LAWS-50987, Waltham Forest Essex England
1921 - Death: Sarah Elizabeth ROBBE-36483,
1940 - Death: Mary CRAIG-19269, Almeda, California United States
1982 - Death: Charles Walter SCHNEKENBURGER-10764, (Waiter) Enfield Middlesex                         England
2006 - Death: Mildred ALLMARK-29945, (Decontamination Op) 




Did you find anyone?
whether it's yes or no, we'd still love to hear from you.

 Mail us at

The Registrar'

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  -----------'Welches Dam, Cambridgeshire England ---------

Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time. 

That I might find the roots that made this family tree of mine.

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod.

Which led them through so many lands, to find our present sod.

Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript, 

that's safely hidden now away, in some forgotten crypt. 

Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts my soul when I can't find,

that missing link between some name, that ends the same as mine.

Sharon Nicola LAWS
2008 Olympics Cyclist
Environmental adviser for Rio Tinto Zinc 

The content provided on this site is not guaranteed to be error free 
It is always advised that you consult original records.

Member of The Guild of One-Name Studies

With grateful thanks to Simon Knott 
for permission to reproduce his photographs on this site see

We support

 INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:- 
The United Nations' International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024. 

We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, orientation or national origin with support for researching family history and documenting cultural inheritance"


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