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Wednesday 29th January 2020 - Number 5951


to our
Laws Family Register  

Robert Henry Laws
Captain of the Barque 'Woolhampton' 
my paternal Great Grandfather
This is Robert Henry's Wife 
Sarah Ann Laws, formerly Fuller
My paternal Great Grandmother


Gone but not forgotten, 
This blog 
to all those who have borne our illustrious
surnames LAWS and LAWES Worldwide
Page Views last month 3,100
Mail us today with your inquiries. we'd be glad to help you.

John P Laws  
The Registrar

If you are a Lawes or Laws, then you would be welcome in our new Facebook group



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Henry Lawes

We have excluded records of living people to protect their privacy (GDPR 2018)
We only show births before 1920 and marriages before 1940.

If you are seeking to find folk after these years you should contact the registrar.

Extracted from our database today 29th January

1813 - Birth: Lewis MATHIAS-9437, (Gentleman JP & DL) Wells Somerset England
1815 - Baptism: Joanna LAWES-407, Finsbury Middlesex England
1820 - Death: William Frederick HANOVER-22099, Windsor Berkshire England

1835 - Birth: Ellen  LAWS-19171, (Servant) Chertsey Surrey England
1849 - Marriage: Robert WANLESS-25042 and Jane LAWS-25041, Darlington Durham                         England
1852 - Marriage: Henry ROGERS-10436 and Dinah Eleanor LAWS-10435, Ovingham                           Northumberland England
1854 - Marriage: Thomas HINCKLEY-9462 and Maria LAWS-39435, Stepney Middlesex                     England

1856 - Birth: Ida Ethel COMBS-11970, New Hampshire United States
1859 - Birth: Alice LAWS-12145, Fincham Norfolk England

1862 - Marriage: Joseph LAWS-6261(Coal Merchant) and Anna CANEY-29774, Narborough               Norfolk England
1866 - Birth: James  LAWS-46512, (Public Works Contractors Labourer Retired) 
1867 - Baptism: Albert John LAWES-552, (Farm Servant) Martin Wiltshire England
1868 - Birth: Harriet CAMPBELL-33419, Welney Cambridgeshire England
1868 - Birth: Richard LAWS-15101, (Bookstall Manager) Chieveley Berkshire England
1870 - Birth: Isabel Ann LAWS-18863, (Teacher) 
1875 - Birth: Frances BERG-21454, Crown Point, Lake County Indiana United States
1883 - Birth: David Coltart MCMINN-25723, Borgue Kirkcudbrightshire Scotland
            (My wife's third cousin twice removed)
1883 - Birth: William WEBB-21864, (Engineer) Aston Warwickshire England
1888 - Baptism: Gertrude Lily LAWES-20728, Homington Wiltshire England (St Michaels)
1891 - Birth: Emma Louise LAWES-2667, Battersea Surrey England
1892 - Birth: Sidney BRANT-37361,  (Gun Trade Repairer) Small Heath, Birmingham                           Warwickshire England
           (My first cousin twice removed)
1893 - Birth: Georges Edouard Marie Claude PETITPIERRE-32464, Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine                   Brittany FRANCE
           (My Second Cousin's Great Grandfather)
1897 - Death: John E LAWS-42377, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
1900 - Birth: Wilfred W MARLAND-47748, (Oil Skin Dresser)  
1905 - Birth: Charles Scott LAWS-31586, (Green Grocer) West Ham Essex England
1907 - Burial: Dorothy Mabel LAWS-49394, Greenwich Kent England

1912 - Death: Hannah LAWS-24791, Staple Kent England
1914 - Residence: Dorothy E WILDER-31124, 
1915 - Birth: Constance LAWES-45963, (Printers machinist) 
1916 - Death: Elizabeth Jane LAWS-29754, 
1917 - Death: Thomas LAWS-21840, (ARMY Private 41386)  
1918 - Birth: John Charters SMITH-13857,  (Bricklayer) Leeds West Yorkshire England
            My wife's first cousin once removed)
1918 - Death: William LAWS-6899, (Farmer) Gedney Lincolnshire England
1934 - Death: James Thomas LAWS-23604, 
1937 - Death: Louisa HERTZEL-24604, Crown Point, Lake County Indiana United States
1946 - Death: Grace Miriam LAWS-25883, (Hospital Nurse & Midwife) Chatham Kent                          England
1950 - Death: William John LAWS-5314, (Market Gardener) Buckland by Dover Kent England
1951 - Death: Ivy Cornelia SHIELDS-48155, Henderson, North Carolina United States
1960 - Death: Bertram John James LAWES-37140, Ashford Kent but resided at Sunbury on                 Thames Middlesex England
1962 - Residence: Ethel Louise PENDLE-3077, Folkestone Kent England

1974 - Death: Ernest Graham LAWS-15483, (Science Teacher Bsc Oxf MA 1st Hon at BA Oxf)              Headington Oxfordshire England
1976 - Death: John Lyle CARPENTER-39615, Provo Utah United States
1978 - Death: Dora LAWS-24757, Bighill, Madison County Kentucky United States
1985 - Probate: Darren Ernest LAWS-41863, Bristol Gloucestershire England

1993 - Death: Matthew LAWS-16242, (PFC US Army)  
2004 - Death: Larry Gerald LAWS-14089, (Logger)  Hampton, Calhoun County, Arizona                       United States
2006 - Death: Josephine Idell LAWS-21115, Lexington North Carolina United States
2009 - Death: Lucille Effie LAWS-39313, United States

The French Cheese Van in Edinburgh

Cédric Minel 

Image may contain: food

Lord, help me dig into the past and sift the sands of time, that I might find the roots that made

this family tree of mine

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads, on which our fathers trod, which led them through

so many lands, to find our present sod. 

Lord help me find an ancient book or dusty manuscript, that's safely hidden now away, 

in some forgotten crypt. 

Lord, let it bridge the gap, that haunts my soul when I can't find, that missing link between 

some name, that ends the same as mine.


Sharon Nicola LAWS
2008 Olympics Cyclist
Environmental adviser for Rio Tinto Zinc 

The content provided on this site is not guaranteed to be error-free 
It is always advised that you consult original records.


            Member of The Guild of One-Name Studies



With grateful thanks to Simon Knott 

for his permission to reproduce his photographs on this site 


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 INVICTUS and Help for Heroes

"This organization recognizes:- 

The United Nations' International Decade for People of 
African Descent 2015-2024

We reach out to all regardless of race, colour, creed, or orientation. 

Remember - We are all one family


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