to the
Laws Family Blog
Your tombstone stands amongst the rest, neglected and alone
The names and dates are chiselled out on polished marble stone
It reaches out to all who care, it is too late to mourn
You did not know that I exist, you died and I was born
Yet each of us are cells of you, in flesh, in blood, in bone.
Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own
Dear Ancestor,
The place you filled one hundred years ago
Spreads out amongst the ones you left who would have loved you so,
I wonder if you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew
That someday I would find this spot, and come to visit you.
We are happy to work on your
(maybe we already have)
All LAWS Enquires are still welcome
Mail us at
We have excluded records of living people to protect their Privacy -we are not showing births after 1920 or marriages after 1940 these are only available on request
If you are interested in anyone listed here, email us with the name, date and reference number, and we will happily do a look up, you might even get a whole tree!
We will be happy to publish within this blog Your stories of your LAWS research and also members of the LAWS and LAWES family you are searching for like your greart grandfathers uncle Charlie or aunt Maud.
We will be happy to help with you with your LAWS/LAWES research, and in certain instances we may be willing to undertake private research on your behalf.
This blog will also appear on our Facebook page, please come visit us,
Family Events from our database, for today 19th November
BIRTHS baptisms etc
1802 - Birth: Mary Ann LAWES-28638, Allington WIL UK
1834 - Baptism: Mary Ann LAWS-29202, Bishopwearmouth DUR UK
1868 - Birth: Nathan LAWS-20593,
1871 - Birth: Herbert Austin LAWS (Confectioner)-5630, Darlington DUR UK
1888 - Birth: Edwin George LAWS-3644, Parkstone DOR UK
1888 - Birth: William James LAWS-3643, Parkstone DOR UK
1892 - Birth: Martha Bessie LAWS (Laundry Maid) -15546, Acton MDX UK
1897 - Birth: Robert Lethbridge Murray LAWES-31959, Mayfair MDX UK
1911 - Birth: Wilford Derby LAWS (Jnr)-10022, Colonia Diaz, Galeana, Chihuahua MEXICO
1917 - Birth: Frederick Lawrence LAWS-37004,
1918 - Birth: Joseph Victor LAWS-38472,
1717 - Marriage: John LAWS-6908 and Susan PITTOCKE-6909, St.Mary Bredin,
Canterbury KEN UK
1860 - Marriage: Joseph SHIELDS-27719 and Jane LAWS-27718, South Church DUR UK
1904 - Marriage: James Rogers DeWitt LAWS -(Dentist) 36549 and Mabel Agatha KEIRLE (Spinster) -36551, Barnstaple DEV UK
1905 - Marriage: Harry Cyril LAWS (Tea Planter) -17334 and Olive Elvira OSTREHAN-17335, Tara, Doom Dooma ASSAM INDIA
1717 - Marriage: John LAWS-6908 and Susan PITTOCKE-6909, St.Mary Bredin,
Canterbury KEN UK
1860 - Marriage: Joseph SHIELDS-27719 and Jane LAWS-27718, South Church DUR UK
1904 - Marriage: James Rogers DeWitt LAWS -(Dentist) 36549 and Mabel Agatha KEIRLE (Spinster) -36551, Barnstaple DEV UK
1905 - Marriage: Harry Cyril LAWS (Tea Planter) -17334 and Olive Elvira OSTREHAN-17335, Tara, Doom Dooma ASSAM INDIA
1932 - Marriage: Thomas George LAWS (Wireless component despatcher) -33069 and
Grace Lavinia HETHERINGTON-31117, Croydon SRY UK
1889 - Death: Elizabeth LAWS (Spinster) -7498, Clerkenwell MDX UK
1989 - Death: Jacqueline Coral LAWS-21213,
1998 - Death: Waverly LAWS-40310, NC United States
1889 - Death: Elizabeth LAWS (Spinster) -7498, Clerkenwell MDX UK
1911 - Death: Jennie Alfreda LAWS-13835, Diaz, Galeana, Chihuahua MEXICO
1945 - Burial: James LAWS-28135, Stockton-On-Tees DUR UK
1978 - Death: Ernest William LAWS (Fireman NFS) -15899, Ipswich SFK UK
St Nicholas Street, Ipswich Suffolk UK
1985 - Death: Frederick Arthur LAWS-26739, Bury St. Edmunds SFK UK
Arch at Bury St Edmunds Suffolk UK
1997 - Burial: Andrew LAWS (CE2 US Navy) 16641, Chattanooga, Hamilton TN United States
1998 - Death: Waverly LAWS-40310, NC United States
1798 - Baptism: Mary BIRD-(illegitimate)21882, Penrith CUL UK
1798 - Baptism: Mary BIRD-(illegitimate)21882, Penrith CUL UK
1802 - Baptism: Sarah BIRD-21883, Penrith CUL UK
1841 - Birth: Polly SHOBERT-13770,
1873 - Birth: Emma Frances Loretta WATERS-20720, Waynesboro PA United States
1888 - Birth: William Louis Conrad NAVIER-43383, Kingston Upon Hull ERY UK
Kingston Upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire UK
1888 - Birth: William Louis Conrad NAVIER-43383, Kingston Upon Hull ERY UK
Kingston Upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire UK
1912 - Birth: Ethel Rose HAWES-32668, Hoxne SFK UK
1916 - Birth: Ronald Joseph M HOLLAND-36344, Colchester ESS UK
1916 - Birth: Ronald Joseph M HOLLAND-36344, Colchester ESS UK
1890 - Burial: Harriett OXBOROUGH-3539, Southwold SFK UK
Southwold Suffolk UK
1929 - Burial: Nellie Therasa GAGE-2784, Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester,
Hillsborough NH United States
1890 - Burial: Harriett OXBOROUGH-3539, Southwold SFK UK
Southwold Suffolk UK
1929 - Burial: Nellie Therasa GAGE-2784, Pine Grove Cemetery, Manchester,
Hillsborough NH United States
1932 - Death: James HETHERINGTON (Farm Manager) -31119,
1957 - Death: John Samuel WESTFALLEN (Cartage Contractors Carman) -20110,
Bromley MDX UK
1984 - Death: Marguerite Jane TYLER-14572, Palmdale NSW AUSTRALIA
1992 - Death: Louis Edmund GRIMANI-22377, Bromley MDX UK
My second cousin once removed
A suburban childhood of the Twenties
Seen from the Nineteen Nineties
By John Robert Laws 1921-2008
Part 11
In those days one paid fees for
attendance at grammar schools though these could be waived if a family income
was a bit tight. At fifteen guineas a term, or was it a year, it seems chicken
feed now but for many the amount was a big lump to find. School uniform was
obligatory of course and included caps for boys and hats for girls – to hide
their pretty curls.
Minchenden was, like the
elementary school, one of the schools which were co-educational probably about
half and half, and one soon found out that boys and girls were pretty equal at
academic subjects and that some of the girls tended to work harder, There was a
theory that boys worked harder in separate schools without the girls to
distract them, but I doubt the truth of it, indeed it seems possible that the
boys in the boys only schools had to put more time and effort into finding and
meeting girls instead of working.
We were in general, fortunate
with the school staff, a mix of types and personalities like any group, but as
competent as any and better than a lot. They too must have been influenced by
the pleasant working conditions and relaxed but disciplined mood of the unit.
It was small by present day standards, some four hundred pupils, quite enough
to my mind even if it can be done more cheaply with twice as many. G.B.S’s
comments about doing and teaching are very true so often, but we had both, Art
and Music teachers about whom the reverse was true. - They could do but not
teach. It must have been frustrating in the extreme for them. The rest of the
staff must have had their frustrations too with the need to produce exam
results from pupils with their normal share of laziness and only interested in
only a few subjects. However produce results they did, by dint of much note
scribbling and even the unorthodox use of a French text of the New Testament
for religious instruction.
Not all the education was in
the classroom, there were occasional outside visits, two very contrasting ones spring
to mind. The first to the Roman remains of Verulanium at St.Albans and the
other to the Ford Car factory a Dagenham. I think I was more impressed with the
factory where it seemed to me that they made everything except the tyres,
perhaps there was not a lot of sub-contracting then. The molten metal being
poured into sand moulds for the cylinder blocks was a wonderful bit of knowhow
even if its roots went back as far as Verulanium.
Although education was fairly
broad it became exam orientated as the time went by. The General Schools
Certificate with Matriculation exemption was the objective for most of us and
there was plenty of homework to be done in the evenings and holidays. I fear we
skimped on a lot of it. Only a few went to University in those days but the
Matric served as an exemption from the preliminary exams of a number of
professional bodies as well as being needed before doing the Inter for
University entrance.
There were other activities
outside school hours and one of my interests was the Astronomical Society.
Under the guidance apparently of the woodwork master a good observatory with a
revolving dome was built by the boys and was equipped with an excellent five
inch refracting telescope which had at one time belonged to King George V. How it
came to us I have no idea, there must have been some sort of tie up between one
of the science masters and the powers that be who arranged it well in advance
as the observatory was built to fit it.
Apart from the idle curiosity of
looking at the moon and planets, a good deal of useful work was keeping records
of sunspots movements and timings of occultation of stars by the moon. We
visited the Greenwich Observatory which was still one of the great
observatories of the world although beginning to be out-classed by the hundred
inch reflector at Mount Wilson in the United States. The big two hundred
reflectors and the radio telescopes were not even on the drawing board.
There was at that time, already
speculation about the possibility of space travel and my friend Stan Law and I
gave a lecture to our group about it, all carefully mugged up from a book of
course. I doubt whether at that time we believed a word of it. We were kindred
spirits with common interests in mathematics and woodwork. The maths did not get
that far as the ‘mathematics’ – more advanced, which a few of us did as an
extra subject for Matric, was only on the fringes. The woodwork turned out more
useful and the final exams we spent all our time in the woodwork room making
equipment for the physics lab.
Lord, help me dig into the past
and sift the sands of time
That I might find the roots that made
This family tree of mine
Lord, help me trace the ancient roads,
On which my father's trod
And led them through so many lands
To find our present sod.
Lord, help me find an ancient book
Or dusty manuscript,
Thats's safely hidden now away
In some forgotten crypt
Lord, let it bridge the gap that haunts
My soul, when I can't find
The missing link between some name
That ends the same as mine
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